Finding the Meaning, Joy and Purpose…

…in the chaos and the crazy


on November 14, 2014

Oh…still.  That’s something I hardly ever am.


Of course, us believers know Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”

Know He’s God?  I’ve got that.  But the still part?  That’s much harder.

This week I was forced to be still with my son, who was in the hospital for observation for seizures for 3 days.  He literally had to be still.  He had 23 electrodes glued to his head that were attached to a snazzy electrical board that he kept in a little backpack.  Want to hear God’s sense of humor?  The backpack they brought him had a monkey on it.  For my “Monkey Boy”…I knew God was in this whole thing when I saw the monkey backpack.


Always with a sense of humor and a whole lot of joy!!!


This is what 23 wires, a red china marker and a lot of glue looks like on a sweet little head!

Anyway, not only was he glued and wired up, but there was a huge cord that attached all this fun stuff to an outlet on the wall.  With a  thick cord that stretched….right to the door of our hospital room.  He could creep a toe out at best.

He was still this week.

And he got antsy at times, what 9 year old wouldn’t, but we had such a delightful time together.  I thoroughly enjoyed being still with him.  So much so, that we both were a little sad when they discharged him.


Have I mentioned we call this adorable Batman celebrating No Shave November Monkey Boy? There’s good reason!

We wanted more time.  Time to be still.  Time to enjoy each other’s company.  Time to ignore the outside world and focus on each other.


This…this is the joy of being still with my boy!

And as I type this…I realize….that’s what my God wants from me too.

He wants me to take time to be still with Him.  Take time to enjoy His company.  Take time to ignore the outside world and focus on Him.

But He needed to get me still before, in the chaos and crazy of my life and my head, I’d remember this important truth.

And I need to take His challenge to be Still before Him.  I will be all the better, stronger, and more peaceful for it.

I hope you’ll join me…well, really join HIM.

And I’ll start today.

16 responses to “Still

  1. kristy says:

    Beautiful post Melissa!


  2. Debby says:

    Welcome to the FMF party. Well done!


  3. I love how you guys make something that can be stressful and anxiety ridden (a hospital visit and medical procedures) into something lighthearted and fun. Sending warm and healing thoughts to you and your family!


  4. It is wonderful when we can take something stressful and see God’s purpose in it.
    I need to work on being still before God forces me to.


  5. Danielle says:

    Great news! Thank you for sharing your journey with us.


  6. Leah says:

    I hope those tests are helpful! What a long 3 days – but it’s good to hear how /good/ they were. I wrote about being still with my son today, too! But mine of course had a different take. I love that one word means so much to so many of us. Bless you and your boy!


  7. Being still is so very hard! But I agree it is worth it when we get to know God better. Thanks for the reminder and challenge to join you/Him. Stopping in from 31 Day Survivor Group.


  8. sarahmariekc says:

    What a wonderful lesson! Isn’t is amazing and earth-shattering and a bit heart-stopping when God uses our children and parenthood to teach us about His nature and what He wants out of our relationship with Him? Love it.

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